
Honestly? #1 all the way. At least I can expect a taste adventure, even if that adventure takes me to some dark and scary places. Much as I love steak & frites, I get bored easy, and that's what I see fancy pants chefs for - the boredom-breaking court jesters of the food world.

If a 5-inch shell weighs in around 20kg (a complete cartridge with propellant is apparently 70-110lbs), and the muzzle velocity is 800m/s, that's 16,000 Newtons of impulse. The rocket has to carry it's engine, fuel, and larger housing with it, so you could easily double that number, I think. A 10,000 Newton 'N' class

Modular engines seem like exactly the kind of overly clever solution they've got too much of already, when you could just load a gun, program the fire control and guidance computers, and go. Plus, with a missile or rocket, you've now got a lengthy boost phase where an enemy can detect the launch and trajectory, and

I honestly don't understand why this hasn't happened already.

I will let all the other mistakes here slide, as you have given anchovies their due.

Apparently only about $3k, as there's some kind of human kidney glut. But that sounds like a down payment to me.

I know a lot of otherwise reasonable people, who would vehemently deny being anti-vaxxers, and yet refuse to get a free flu shot every fall because "they always get sick right after". I also live in a supposedly forward-thinking city which recently voted 61/39 against adding fluoride to water - even though every shred

I've always loved the fact that everybody can look at an overweight dog or cat and agree that it has been fed too much, fed low quality food, and/or doesn't get enough exercise. Nobody says "That cat just has bad genes," or "That dog just needs to try the PuppyFadRX diet".

I've personally gotten strong looks and extra attention from a border guard while transporting a teenager I wasn't related to. And that was as Americans crossing back into America from Canada with the appropriate paperwork. Trying to cross a remote pass into Chile without the right paperwork? Never going to be a fun

Professional senior-level software engineer here too. I've never actually needed anything beyond standard arithmetic and the very basics of algebra for day-to-day coding. If you can solve for x where x = 2 + 2, you should be good for 99% of what you might encounter. There are subdisciplines like low-level 3d graphics,

Fun fact I've learned in my life: Cops are people and people are lazy. They have a job, and that job is to make arrests and write tickets, not solve crimes or care about your life. They are about as interested in the crime or how you feel as a waiter. Just order off the menu please, shift change is coming up.

Of course not. Automakers still haven't figured out that this is an enthusiast option, not a budget option.

And as a skier who enjoys rowing his own, this means I will never own a BMW. I'm OK with that.

No, for an honest F150 you need an F100.

"If burning, yearning persists for more than 3 days, please see your doctor. Side effects of Ford F-150 Raptor are generally mild, but occasional serious complications may occur."

The overall effect is undeniable, but when I break it down, it looks like you could explain the whole thing as the picture getting horizontally squeezed, the colors blending and saturating a bit, and some detail being lost. All of which could be put down to a shitty print job, and/or layout software fitting the image

So, Lincoln Crossover = Penny wise, pound foolish. Sounds about right.

As the owner (past and present) of both an '08 S4 stick shift wagon and multiple Land Rovers, I would buy that sticker.

Would sell like hotcakes around here. The number of beat-to-hell little Datsuns and T100's and Rangers I see parked in front of $800k houses, next to brand new german or japanese cars, tells me there's an untapped market for people with disposable money who want small utilitarian trucks.