Im not all that impressed with spotify to be honest.
Im not all that impressed with spotify to be honest.
I will always use winrar.
I do, they steal your privacy without you knowing it. If you think they don't, then you are sadly misinformed.
OMG BH totally OP!
Two words.
I explicitly remember them saying this fall at e3.
I thought they said this fall for Star Wars:TOR
Lame. It would be much cooler if he did it through something like UPS.
Yep, already have the machine. Has 2-4gb of ram.. just dont remember.
I thought it was the xbox that was doing the decoding. I thought the PC was just pushing the content.
Windows Media Center/xbox question.
If he was drunk, then agreed. Better him than some innocent family.
Im not sure they are actually removing your info at all. I signed back up way after the 2 weeks using the same email and Just from signing up with that email, all my friend suggestions were people I knew. It shouldn't know that if it was actually deleting your info. FB is evil.
Had these before. Eat more that one and you'll be sick as a dog.
Im looking for a good MP3 Tag editor for the mac. I use Mp3TagEdit on the pc which is a nice app, and looking for something similar for the mac. I want one that pulls down album art and actually saves it to the mp3. (I don't think itunes does that, but could be wrong)
Well you could get emulators for your pc and download the roms for the games you own. They look decent. Then hook the computer to the tv and see how it looks. Other than that, not sure.
I wasn't on board until he mentioned the app that takes care of the annoying BT part of the phone. Well done. Im going to try this too. Can always use the official opener as a backup.
I noticed that it only does it when you have scheduled recordings. I think it's firing up to see if it needs to record something, then shuts back down when it realizes it's not. Dumb if you ask me.
I do shut mine down and I still hear the drive cranking on every 1/2 hour or so. It's really frustrating.
Do most coffee snobs drink it black?