@jinlee: Like I stated, I did all that. Still nothing. I think it's trying to run sub-exe's as admin but cant.
@jinlee: Like I stated, I did all that. Still nothing. I think it's trying to run sub-exe's as admin but cant.
I can't get it installed. I diabled UAC and it keeps telling me to right click and run as admin (which i did). Running windows 7 64.
She was dumb for charging. That's illegal as hell. If she was doing it for free, she probably wouldn't have been bothered with.
How did that board support the giant sized balls that guy must have? Wow, impressive in-deed. (the sharks, not his balls).
Id rather just buy one. Most of them now also light up the letters of the keys themselves.
@dominar: Changing his batteries if I had to guess.
That's no moon!
So done with this show. Totally ruined, doesn't matter what happens now.
Very Impressive artwork indeed!
Sad story, but good on Volition for doing something nice.
I like to build stuff, this is why I dont like the MP. Its all about the rush.
Just what linux needs, another distro.
@Dan2593: You can do it now with a mod, so i guess they are probably just adding it.
Tim = -50 DKP
Dear Blizz, please restore my toons. And they will.... I've done it 2 times now trying to quit, only to come back again and again. Good luck to you.
There's boys in that picture??
Sorry, I was distracted by boobs with a bike.
Id rather wait for the live stuff. Im not one for replaying the content over and over.
Now apple is trying to cover it up.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.