
Funny picture. We just adopted 2 kittens last weekend. They can't cook yet though.

Sony should be ashamed for not having it's flagship racer out by now.

One bullet will fix this problem.

Some of these characters are here just because. Even some of the ones at the top who have no real substance, yeah, looking at you Mario.

We can only use Windows here. Not because it's the "Law" but it's the only platform that runs Autocad.

#2. ugh.

@Eltigro: Im already annoyed with it. Stupid racing with your brother. ugh.

Assassins Creed 2 most likely. Haven't started it yet.

My name is now Charity!

They are in serious trouble if the pirates wise up and start throwing banana peals.

They did a complete BSG ending.

These guys are morons. The real problem Sony, is that 99% of the games suck ass.

I still gotta finish the first one. I never have time.

@daeeatsall: Yep was just going to post this. Tattoo artists will slap you for calling it a gun.

I have to say, im pretty damn excited for this game.

Who's the babe on the bottom?

@PSOCecil: Well then, screw them too! ;)

The game looks cool. But....

@Mr_Raccoon: Yep, they are worse. But not by much.