
“Gray hay hackers”?

LOL. Oh Hawking, you li’l devil!!

I’m predicting, based on every android phone review ever: Camera is good for still shots, shutter lag makes things blurry. Good at night but the lag makes it tough to get the right photo. With (manufacturer custom android skin), (manufacturer) comes closer than ever to parity with stock android! A few helpful

Wow, f*&K that mysterious prick.

If you have to have that conversation with another prospective employer in the future, I can’t imagine there is anything negative about “I had an opportunity to expand my career in a new and different way than anything I had done before. It was a great way to stretch my limits and make myself a more well rounded and

This will not end well.

THIS. If Musk is a shyster stealing government money like his detractors like to claim, THEN WE NEED MORE SHYSTERS LIKE HIM STEALING GOVERNMENT MONEY. All he’s done with the money is build an electric car people actually want to own, spurring other car companies to get off their asses to start building their own. Oh,

Honestly, I think Dark Souls is kind of losing it’s charm. I think it’s time for FROM to try something new. I’d also like a new Armored Core for PS4 too!

I literally just made an account to say +1 to you, full-time workin, full time college goin’ seeing my family when I can dude. This wins comment of the year.

His argument was that Gorkuss exclaimed that “you can blame it on the kid” was going to be an issue.

It’s not an issue.

Grindr, they always seem to find a way to download it.

I think if I spent thousands of hours making a game, I’d code it so every NPC the illegal downloader passed flipped change at my character (even bosses), while they muttered things like “poor guy”, “here, buy yourself something to eat”, “sorry you are so hard up, don’t worry, things will probably pick up for you in

my entire response to every single one of these pictures: “what.”

Now playing

Q-Tip tried to tell us industry rule 4080 and we just didn’t listen.

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

I’m really trying to feel bad for him but I don’t.

Worse than that, Comcast will run it on their own servers so it will always crash half way through the process.

Russians have way better fireworks than the piddily shit we have here. Time to get some tannerite.