
The job im at now got all weirded out by my asking “what happened to the last guy here?” and the boss man walked in and was like “that’s not important.” i was like “im just curious” and they all said”curiosity killed the cat.” im like 6 months in and i now know why the last dude left...

You’re hired!

but just like your 1990 buick it has to be artificially intelligent to do what it does.

The bearded dude looks more like chong to me.

Ps2, xbox 360, ps3, psp - the last really good one was three. Ac4 on last gen was neat but kinda missed the mark in my opinion. Formula front is kinda cool for psp

Hey thanks! I’d like to commemorate this moment by saying I’m just a guy who likes pizza.

Is that maybe morro rock in the background there in that concept art? It looks really cute and if its based around morro bay that’d be so cool.

What if you’re a parent AND a college student at the same damn time? And adults are lazy as fuck, thats why they made this app. In reality this thing seems genius, i wake up at at least 6am pst every day jam to work, sit in class til about 9pm depending on how brutal my math teacher is being, get home by around 920 pm

Two thousand sixteen. Why do people add “and” to numbers? You wanna make it an equation????

I’d really like to see this done.

I understand your point but I think you’re missing the larger overall picture that’s being illustrated by the whole situation with that developer. I guess if you were put in their position I’m sure you would understand.

And thats another issue is they didnt have a AAA marketing budget. But why buy when I can just watch the whole thing on youtube for free and pay some other guy through advertisements to play it. It seems kinda wrong especially given the struggles they went through to get it out the door. And then I can’t speak for the

Well conveying feelings to the unwashed masses is a start. How many people go day to day saying things like “i understand what you’re going through” or “i couldn’t imagine what you’re going through.” I’m a type 1 diabetic (24 years with it) and whenever the subject comes up I get a “I totally know what it’s like my

Surprisingly enough San Diego officials planned on using real materials for the dock instead of cardboard, they used that for our sidewalks and streets.

Thats a cool looking box though. Id like to have it if it was real.

Notepad in your windows 95 computer of course!

Dude, since when do cops de-escalate situations by spraying pepper spray into the wind. That dude coulda caused a catastrophe if he hit anyone of those riders...

That looks pretty busted for how extravagant the price was...

There’s only one in existence man, you think the gov’t would really show us photos of a super secret drug busting super spy plane. Yeah that’s rookie stuff. It’s not like the government wastes money for no reason.

Hands down the best comment this election cycle. You made my day, hats off to you king/queen of the internet!