
But you are without laser guided bombs dawg!

i wonder who thought it was a good idea to hire the dude who invented facebook to play lex luthor???

Is CONDOR inc. The blizzard before blizzard or an outside organization pitching diablo to blizzard??

Really? This pretty much proves cats are America’s worst pets. There’s a cat in the back area of my apartment that shrieks like murder every damn night, possibly because it’s in heat? Yeah fuck that, and fuck cats they suck and people who own them are seriously weird. Especially the ones who walk them.

Its probably the best one in the series and I started with persona (original us release)

I have SMT4 on my 3ds and the 3d is awesome but I feel like the 2d art kinda looks off on this one...

It was a good apology until she started talking about how many things she’s supported. That’s the pandering “look I fucked up here, but here’s where I made up for it, my poor memory isn’t THAT bad guyz!"

Yeah that’s really weird.

The first one was really, really good. I wish the sequel had come over too.

With how difficult they’ve apparently been with diplomacy and such I’m sure it’s best to err on the side of caution. They’ve threatened war/nuclear war for years and nothings come of it but, it’s still frightening to be dealing with a culture that keeps its cards so close to their proverbial chests.

Half brow. Half. Brow. Those should be illegal. Is she still being paid in olive garden gift cards?

Jesus wasn’t allowed to prairie dog for our sins unfortunately.

Way too much???

F(x)= 1000x + 0? Is that modeled effectively 0 is the ideas had and x is the amount of jokes that became funnier as a result?

Serious lack of boo-boo in this game. 10/10 would miss boo-boo again.

What about kill freakin’ aliens? Or kick father’s ass?

I dunno man, my new age nissan did the exploding tin man stunt a little while ago. It was still under warranty (thank the car gods) but still not SUPER bullet proof only slightly. I wish mine was manual (standard) and not automatic, i had a lot more fun with the manual.

You somehow missed the shade bruh

You’d be one in a minion with that one!

I really like this lady, she sounds pretty classy. I like both of the bills she wants to introduce but I imagine they’ll get shot down by the impotent men she has to deal with on a fairly regular basis.