
i do listen to that podcast (though i've skipped the last few), and i generally prefer the other two to her contributions. But she's generally wacky on there in a weird way - advocating for Monkey rights or whatever.

the Closed Captioning on HULU said it was '6-relationships', but that link doesn't work like yours does.

i don't know what it is about JDR, but she never makes me laugh. I understand what she's doing is funny, but it just seems like she's always mugging and trying too hard. Maybe her WTF episode ruined me, when she mentioned she goes to therapy 5 days a week. It just makes me see things in her eyes that probably

yes, Thriller was 1983. I was thinking it was Van Halen's 1984.

re: the reviewer's comment last week about "One joke always does better b/c of the cadence" - i loved Reality's rant at the benefit dinner. "You're all pricks - fuck you."

i liked the knowing laugh b/w the 30Rock-ers when Morgan screwed up Jane K's last name. It's as if he's never known it! :)

i remember seeing High Road to China (and Lassiter) on TV when i was a kid. Both had their high points, both drag in places. But i seem to recall them being really good popcorn movies - particularly Lassiter with its "wartime caper" plot.

he probably got BEGGED to direct Dr Strange. i don't blame him for turning it down, but OMG would i love to have seen that.

his best movie remains his first (major) one: The Salton Sea. That movie is great. DIstrubia is also fun, but completely derivative.

XXX: State of the Union is better than the original XXX. It's basically a remake of 7 Days in May, but with that movie's plot serving as the subplot of the XXX sequel. The main plot of XXX: SotU features Cube menacing nerds and Xibit screaming about "assholes and elbows, gentlemen!" It's fantastic.

I liked the Maggie side things a lot, but the rest was a complete zero

he'll hold up two index fingers, hold the pose, then point them at Alex, like he's Isaac on the Love Boat opening credits.

hopefully this slight won't hold back the asian communities entering the STEM fields.

or pawn shops

me too, tho the only reason i know about the Cuyahoga river is b/c of that Randy Newman song.

yeah, i could actually see myself rewatching this episode. it had a lot of good jokes, and didn't go quite where i was expecting

was it really a Watkins-for-Slate swap? I seem to remember that era being overstuffed with "young lady" types, with Chris Elliott's daughter, Aidy Bryant, and Nasim Pedrad. Slate was also funny (they all were to varying degrees) - but Slate's fate was sealed in the first episode when she dropped that f-bomb.

how much of the P&A budget was spent bribing Cameron to give it his half-hearted endorsement?