
Who cares

How’s this trolling? Kobe was an entertaining asshole for 20 years but all this #MambaDay genuflection has reached a laughable scale. He’s as overrated as a basketball player as LeBron is oddly underrated.

If only there were somewhere you could go to read something positive about Kobe that is also not backed up with stats....

Ah yes, that’s Kobe, always sacrificing individual success for the good of the team.

In 20 seasons, 3 players have gone over 9.5 in VORP, and Lebron did it 3 times in a row, and 5 times total. I know I know, Jordan was better, because derpity derp. But Jesus.

I honest to god thought that I missed a some NBA seasons that caused this bonkers going away party. I’ve spent like 2 days going over the mid-2000's to make sure I didn’t miss anything.