And ALL of our jobs will come back that the immigrants have stolen! You know the ones where they’re paid half of minimum wage to pick produce, and do other jobs every other American think they’re too good to do.
And ALL of our jobs will come back that the immigrants have stolen! You know the ones where they’re paid half of minimum wage to pick produce, and do other jobs every other American think they’re too good to do.
I didn’t know about this until a coworker mentioned this to me the other day:
If that were true then I would be Republican.
That’s a good point.
I think most people aren’t voting for her just cause she’s a woman because these same people wouldn’t be voting for Palin or Carly Fiorina (I really have no idea how to spell her name).
That’s interesting because with my millennial social circle, the vote works like this:
Watching the Flint debate confirmed this to me. Myhusband said it best “Hillary really has her shit together, Bernie doesn’t really have concrete actions or plans.”
They’re afraid but it’s women like Hillary who progress things for all of us. As a woman in tech who has regularly in my life experienced sexism; has anyone ever wonder why it’s the aggressive ambitious women who stick it out in the field and make it out alive? BECAUSE COME HELL OR HIGH WATER THEY WILL ACHIEVE WHAT…
I would also say Michigan is generally very traditional still in their values. Sometimes visiting Michigan (my spouse’s family lives there ALL of them) I feel like I’m being transported somewhere else because it’s so homogenous, xenophobic (except Ann Arbor) though they don’t mean to be and they really love church!
As a fellow millennial, so do I. They’re whiny as fuck.
It’s because they’re young and likely in college and the idea of hey free healthcare and tuition sounds amazing! YES I DONT HAVE TO PAY BACK MY LOANS. Sounds like a great deal. When youre younger you’re making a lot less than when youre older so taxes on everyone richer than you sounds great.
Those states are going to learn this the hard way. I live in progressive country, California and even if I have to get one I have the financial means to go and get one out of the country at a moments notice if I need to. However, the ones who need it most the poorer women are the ones who get fucked hard on this.
This so much. I am 100% pro choice. But here’s the thing, if I don’t have to get one I won’t. Why? Because I don’t really like the idea of having to terminate one. I think it’s a hard decision to make, but nobody gets excited and gleeful having an abortion. It’s always hard. I’m lucky enough to never have had to have…
Probably because they think “god” gives them the right to force their shitty beliefs on others.
There are no actions behind the words of someone who only makes speeches. I won’t vote for someone just because they say they’ll do something. They need to come in and prove that they care and that they understand. You can’t advocate and really push for something you haven’t gotten anywhere close to.
But the idea is that she’s made the effort and Bernie hasn’t. There aren’t black people or any minorities in vermont its a very white state. As someone who grew up in a racially diverse state, who married someone who came from a homogenous state where they aren’t exposed to diversity there is a really big difference…
Honestly, a lot of this is genetic. My husband has cystic acne and for a long time used prescription strength cream to keep it to a minimum as well as getting shots for his acne in his youth. He’s super clean, showers everyday, very diligent about washing his face and keeping clean.
Thank you. I keep trying to explain this to people.
Okay but let me give you an example. I’m a minority (this is relevant).