I mean I would too if it was someone that reached out to me and showed me they cared vs someone who makes large broad speeches about what they would do for me.
I mean I would too if it was someone that reached out to me and showed me they cared vs someone who makes large broad speeches about what they would do for me.
YES. I really hate this. I really hate the shove it down your throat this is the end all be all and you don’t know what’s best for you attitude of BernieBros. I hate that if Bernie doesn’t win they are proclaiming they won’t vote or will write in. I hate that they think that not voting Bernie means that you don’t…
I completely agree with this. If you don’t like something do something about it. I’m not a politician but I work in tech an extremely shitty place for women and minorities. I do my part by 1) being a woman in tech holding a position that most women shy away from and being well respected to help break down at least…
And this is why it makes it really hard to respect the a lot of the people who support Bernie. I come across way too many people similar to you who are my way or nothing, and it’s ironic because this sort of person is more similar to Trump supporters than supporters of any other candidate republican or democratic.
For a country that is considered first world, it really is behind in its social development..
If we had a batshit crazy person on the left and a moderate republican on the right I would totally vote the moderate, but I agree with you :(. There’s bound to be lots of reasonable ones.
Actually there are a lot of people on the republican side who are so terrified of trump as a president that they will vote bernie or hillary, whoever gets nominated
That’s basically doing exactly the same thing. You’re basically saying IF MY CANDIDATE CAN’T WIN NOBODY ON MY SIDE CAN.
Actually there’s a perfect article about this:http://qz.com/624346/america…
Then they better get ready to lie in the bed they made.
BUT REVOLUTION! If you’re not part of the 1% then you should vote for Bernie! He’s the man for the rest of the 99% and obviously going to make all of this happen.
In SF you can actually pass it down. My rent controlled studio studio had a clause that said I could do it. Never did but probably should have.
Yep, because if you’re really well to do it doesnt matter you can fly somewhere else and get the abortion (which i certainly would and am lucky to be able to do) if i needed one. But people who can’t afford it are penalized in both not being to get one and having to raise a child when they may not be able to support…
My husband considered voting republican (if Bernie wins) because of taxes, and I sat him down and explained to him that wtf is he thinking and we need to have a serious talk about this.
Me too, I would love nothing more than a REASONABLE republican.
To add onto the paid leave thing, we do pay for it through payroll taxes, so it’s great but we do have really high state taxes compared to everyone else.
I would agree in 2008 eight years ago, California a generally liberal state for the most part couldn’t even pass a law that allowed all people to get married rather than just man/woman.
Totally agree with this. I’d like center dem or center repub as our front runners.... I don’t want trump as much as I don’t want Bernie..
I wanted to keep my mouth shut because I don’t like to listen to people’s political beliefs and they’re personal. But because I get so much fucking Bernie propaganda spam on my FB feed. I’ve decided that I’m going to at least do what I can to make sure people are fucking informed about what they vote for.
If I were to describe Bernie I would say that he panders to group of people who feel like they’ve been left behind. He promises them things that they want to hear to get them riled up into thinking that he will change the world. It’s unrealistic but nobody who supports him cares because they think he will make America…