
i feel offered advice that is sexist! Your hubby cuts you off from sex claiming its mundane or not fulfilling enough for him and then turns back to the game without offering further conversation on sex ing up there marraige? He’s not interested becuz he is an addict for gaming world! leave as soon as possible,

ooooh. then i can see the relevance, but hvg lived this nightmare with a 51-year-old gamerboy, i feel you came short in some advice but was spot-on with some other advice.

tthat is thumbs up advice! it'll be hard to turn feelings off, but stay positive and remind yourself that there is a mate out there for you who will actually love, honor, and cherish you! get anullment, divorce, separation...just act!

ps! marraige is hard work! it simply will not work if only one party is making an effort!

i agree that the advisor did not even consider the two becoming one aspect of marraige. She needs to leave him asap! Unfortunately, a trait most all females have and are often taken advantage of bcause of their willingness to appease, is the ability to adapt their own identities into the ident of their current