
@aec007: "There is nothing wrong in having a few beauty shots of wild animals looking at their best, properly fed as nature might have intended."

@Timmy: and whats more effed is that Disney created the video that perpetuated the myth (killing many in the process).

@forallintentsandpurposes004: If you want to know why people do this it is because it costs less money (no lugging equipment around for days and incurring travel expenses) and it is easier.

@Zinger314: doesnt really have much to do with sterilization though... Purification is quite a bit different.

@Einbrecher: I think that it is implied that they are talking about PS WRT retouching (liquify, clone, etc.), not simple color adjustments and cropping(or even red-eye fixes).

@Grégory Jourdan: Well you would be better off if, when accusing someone of being rude you refrain from using profanity. not that i have a problem with profanity it just weakens your stance significantly.

@zelannii: Those developers are there not because they think Apple cares, but because it is a huge potential revenue stream.

To all Devs BOHICA.

@Grégory Jourdan: That seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical and judgemental... Just like some people dont understand the irony of saying that they "only like open-minded people."

@acidrain69: It is just an easy way to convey wisdom without dispensing any actual knowledge. Much like a Zen master... i.e.

@Lerma Nation: really?! Mac Classics? All computers were boring beige boxes at the time. Maybe it belongs in a tech museum, but that design did not stand the test of time, and if you had it in your house almost everyone would think you were either trying to be ironic, or that you cant afford a computer.

@ivan256: this is why i keep all of my jewels and booty in my underground panic room.

@bubba_t: Who says that a masterpiece has to be 5x5' plus? I have never heard that in my art education- and with all of the pre-reqs I had to take I am not too far from a four year degree.

@Skeptical_Geezer: Not true... Better locks help to deter thieves because they take longer to compromise, and they dont want to take any longer than they have to picking your lock.

@waclark57: Yes because Picasso has a large body of work which culminated in some of the most recognized imagery in the art world... All of that work in their oeuvre supports the pricing.

@Fauxcused: I dont know maybe all of the Southeast? (Ive been to a lot of WMs)

@Brak: Yeah I agree... At normal scale the photo is not really impressive (aesthetically). I guess it was more of a technical feat.

@pixelhaus76: In all fairness (and I am not one to defend Apple very often) this was in a job announcement.