
@Augure: You must be French

What a great idea! In a country where people are already impoverished to the point that they are willing to take horribly depressing jobs (ostensibly not working one being more depressing), take away their jobs! That will surely have zero emotional fallout- I mean I am sure all of those 800,000 people will be

@monkeybiziu: isn't the wizard the man behind the curtain?

I would hope that this is a fake leak, as a lot of people are seeming to bristle at the $149 price tag.

@zoompooky: They may now (on each unit), but I am fairly certain that MS is still in the red when it comes to hardware profitability (WRT consoles). They were selling at a loss to ensure a huge install base so that they could sell other items (peripherals, absurdly expensive HDDs, XBL subscriptions, and of course

@waclark57: Again like I said it may be a fine product but claiming that it is the pinnacle of innovation is ridiculous hyperbole. This is really a niche device, and I, personally, will not be buying one. Maybe if I switch jobs and have to travel a lot then my life may present a need but not until then would I even

"It represents an ambitious rethinking of how we use computers. No more files and folders, physical keyboards and mouses. Instead, the iPad offers a streamlined yet powerful intuitive experience that's psychically in tune with our mobile, attention-challenged, super-connected new century."