
Its almost like family dynamics are seriously fucking complicated and maybe we shouldn’t hold Franco’s sister-in-law accountable for his bad behavior.

Why does she need to say anything? Why do we immediately turn to the closest woman and burden her with the responsibility of answering for some shitty man’s actions? Why does it always bounce back on women?

fuck that guy - hijack!

Thank you! I’m the letter writer.

I love this dumb show so much. Tyra is an absolutely ridiculous person and I can’t look away. I get so invested in these ladies. Already want to slap the Idaho girl. I’m so excited about this season though! Most of the girls seem awesome!

Why are men so desperate to disappoint two women at the same time?

I found a picture of the impersonator:

Eminem is SUCH a disappointment to me. He is an incredible rapper, but his lyrics are puerile, sophomoric, misogynistic and homophobic trash. I wish he would grow up.

Will there be more beard weave and pot ledom remixes?

I’m not surprised.

Yup, we had spider bombs several years in a row, which led to the cats chasing around eight-legged snacks all day and then projectile vomiting. A fake tree prevents my life from turning into a Chevy Chase movie.

If only Jeffrey Tambor had been in a show in which his character was incarcerated for abusing his position of power and was constantly reminded of “not touching”.

Who is the guy in the Santa suit? He says he is well known.

That Drake, he’s a little bit of a dorky try hard, but he’s a good boy.

We do.

The Tale of the Crimson Clown still scares me to this day.

Now playing

That’s cool and all but I would be more interested in a Zeke the Plumber feature film

I’m sorry, but the scariest thing from Nickelodeon wasn’t even on AYAOTD. It was

I feel really bad for so many of my girlfriends, who feel that selling things from their home is the only way they can contribute financially to the household while raising children. As someone who spends more than $24K a year in daycare costs for two children (at the second cheapest option in the area, so not

The Goosebumps movie with Jack Black as “R.L. Stine” was surprisingly good. I liked the continuity with the books, especially Slappy as the villain, and the twist with the (super-cute) neighbor girl.