Hehehe, “Titler”... I hardly know ‘er!
Hehehe, “Titler”... I hardly know ‘er!
Looks like it’s from Total Recall.
That’s Joy Assassin, to you.
Nintendo sucks. Been sucking for a while. Long and hard.
Just came back to say, if a black dude did this, there’d only be balls in the picture.
We’ve just completely run out of arguments to defend whatever use or importance men ever had. Can someone set me up with Caitlynn Jenner’s doctor? I’m done having a penis. I want cramps of honor, dammit.
It’s official. I now hate my fellow men as much as most Jezebelers. Where do I sign?
Why not just make an app that hires a plumber name Mario to come fish out the toys (probably Amiibos) some 2 year old flushed down the toilet?
“And we’ll make it FREE! Which will make us the money we’ve been losing, somehow” - said somebody, somewhere in Kyoto or wherever.
WTF Japan, you used to be cool...