
I honestly don’t know if I can take five more months of this.

Nope, and I'm a registered Democrat who voted for him in my state primary. Sounds like you signed up for the wrong mailing list.

No matter who comes to Depp’s defense Jezebel is going to make them seem like they’re unreliable. If these security guards backed up Heard’s story instead Jezebel would treat them as the most reliable sources on the planet.

Maddie. Stop spewing your climate change BS. Every single day I come here to read up on technology news and have to endure at least one story on the “global warming” farce. Give it a rest.

We need a bigger chart.

3. Vertigo?

Any list that includes Forrest Gump as a historic best is complete horseshit, IMHO.

Or “io9 Reader”

Dramatic was Hillary saying Obama could be assisnated as her excuse for staying in. She had to lend her campaign millions of her own personal wealth b/c no one was donating. It was a way nastier campaign so her supporters whining now are truly disingenuous.

3. Obama promised to pay her campaign debt, literally millions.

I couldn’t vote in 2008 so I didn’t follow politics very closely. I have read here and there about Hillary’s attitude back then yet her supporters are giving Bernie shit for doing the same thing. I mean, I guess what you’re saying sounds possible, even likely. But it also sounds like a plot from a dramatic movie!

It’s really weird. It’s like some Stockholm Syndrome type shit. I watch my friends who are staunch Hillary supporters and I swear that there was a time in the not-so-recent past where they could be rational about their political discourse. Now? Not so much.

Deadspin stories in 2016 about bragging kayakers: 1

Clinton stepped aside in 2008 because she was promised SecState and the establishment’s support in 2016. Has Clinton done anything earn Bernie’s support at this point?

So... Any bets on them blaming “those n-words” for this?

Yeah, damn them SJWs....with their tech/law/banking jobs. Not like you, who works the graveyard shift as a porn store clerk.

If Congress needs an expert on space exploration, then they should talk to someone with a PhD in a relevant field, not a novelist. I felt the same way about Tom Clancy being hailed as a military expert even though he never served and had no military training. (And yes, I know he was ineligible for service, but there

There’s a special place in hell for any woman who doesn’t pay to see this movie.

pretty much this.