
Weird how all,this was accomplished without levying one cent in taxes.

Do you think it’s weird they can slow Rosetta to 10 inches/s while Philae smashed at 40? Maybe they’re using Rosetta’s gas thrusters...if only Philae had gas thrusters.

Misra relies on her belief that gizmodo readers can't do math.

What you’re talking about is scare quotes used to cast a dubious shadow on a previously quoted word or phrase.

Just so I get this right, you’re claiming Philae’s vertical speed on touchdown, or bounce off, was 10 inches per second?

Yes, that only brings up another issue, the misuse of quotations marks. See, they’re called quotation marks for a reason, because you’re directly QUOTING someone.

I'm glad to see the ESA sticking with what it knows.'re in a childish website.

You’re perfect for this website.

I’m going to put my post in the “win” column.

No, I just repeated you were a jew because you were fond of telling people you’re a Jew. Like a dog whistle.

Millennials have proven all of Toflers predictions wrong.

It’s gizmodo material, just not a gizmodo title.

Not click baity enough for the children.

I'm guessing they're female.

All clickbait is a travesty and an insult to intelligent people. It must be stamped out wherever it rears its ugly head.

I would. But then again, I'm an adult.

It’s also that they poll everyone and don’t zoom in on likely voters, which is more factual.

Almost every state poll I've seen doesn't include all four candidates which invalidates them. Clinton loses 1-5% to trump when all candidates are listed.

Well, if the election were held today, which it isn’t.