
Last weeks NBC poll that included all four candidates had Clinton up by one.

Last week while gawker was crowing about the Clinton +12% ABC poll, NBC had one with all four candidates and Hillary was up only by 1. You never heard about that one....why?

How's the view from that graveyard?


No, all we can do is keep these bastards out of this country.

Gawker medias obsession with republican has-beens borders on the psychotic.

“Deadline describes Kata Mara’s character as...”.

How about the last four elections?

Oh. BTW, who is “Kata Mara”?

If liberals, democrats and social justice warriors can’t call republicans and conservatives racists and bigots, what do they have left in their quiver?

So, the outrage over Mara agreeing to play tigerlilly is officially over?

Which ones are dumb? Or arewe supposed to accept they’re all dumb because that’s what you’re title said?

So there are no journalists working at CNN now?

What made them a quality network 15-20 years ago?

That's why he was hired.

What stature is that?

So if men refuse to use condoms, how is flooding the country with 500 million of them going to curb the spread of Zika?

Really. And whom are the people who need them?

I’m sure there are no condoms in Puerto Rico or Brazil.

You mean illegal immigrants. I'm sure that was an honest typo.