
Weird how democrats forget all this shit.

There was more, particularly contracts to friends and relatives involved with the Clinton Foundation.

A cult.

With a trust fund, like Rose.

Cool story bro!

Heheh, trump is playing Hillary like a fiddle.

How about how they did it without sammiches from the support/rescue boats.

You'll be able to tell the millennials on this thread by their responses.

Do you remember 2008? Hillary was the presumptive nominee even before the DNC convention. So much so McCain made a fatal error and put a dumbshit Alaskan governor on his team because some assholes told him he would need it to deflect Hilary’s claims of old white men in the GOP.

Nobody wants your clear thinking and observations.

Yes, but I save them for more intelligent websites.

Who are you, her virtual fatboy booty call?

IN a 60's kind of way, it was a funny show.

Why would auto correct correct “tenet” a perfectly normal Word?

Ok, just so we all understand, you’re going with the “typo” defense?You do know the “e” and “t” are inches away from the “n”?

It was so brave of them to attempt this with only two support boats shadowing them.

No, you see I’m the one that makes YOU run around and spend your time googling idiot questions.

It’s “tenet” you stupid fuck.

Agreed. Just because they hate bill doesn't mean they can't vote for Hillary.

Are you mistaking me for your boy?