
OH, I'm not going to riot, is want others to riot.

Yes, I think she’ll kill it too.

I dare you to remove this comment.

BTW, if a 6'2" 220lb behemoth throws their body at me I might step aside as well.

Just like agent Carter.

So, you saw Gods of Egypt?

Or vote for Hillary.

The same people who say they want to see the movie and judge for themselves are busy removing negative comments so others can’t see them and judge for themselves.

I did that once. In the run up to Pixels I wrote off all the criticism to Adam Sandler hate and saw the movie.

Yes. If you disagree with someone just censor them.

So, you saw Pixels?

Because there aren't that many funny people.

And you know...the money.

The principals could have been ferrets and it would still be better than GB2.

Maybe it was a Shaquille O’neill kind of thing.

“Stupid excited”.

That’s a good reason to see a movie. It also validates the reasons the “haters” have for not seeing it.

There ain’t enough lipstick in NY to make this porcine look good.

Fair enough. Can you explain the comment “we’re all supposed to like Samantha bee”?

That’s how you get votes and delegates and with enough delegates you can go to the convention and influence the platform.