“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”
“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”
Remember when you called everyone questioning the UVA story an idiot? Surely we should listen to your advice on temperament and journalistic behavior
And all to place a statistically meaningless vote SMH
Mathematical fact is no opinion
He is participating in the process by abstaining from voting. A vote in an election this large is statistically meaningless
I get a kick out of people who think their individual vote is statistically meaningful
Dogs wear sweaters, not pants
Friendly reminder that both BP and Fangraphs projected the Mets to lose their own division, with a healthy roster
Haha nope, you “literally” asked a question
If you read closely, I’m not defending Thiel’s character
Then why does Thiel get a daily story here while Denton is treated like the Phantom of the Opera?
True. Denton is a saint for recently laundering his money successfully
It’s actually somewhat surprising Gawker staffers are scolding people for evading taxes, given Nick Denton’s offshore funds
Insert Denton for Trump in your headline
Great baseball analysis.
Wrong. Nagy is going to outpitch him
Scott O’Neill is about as dumb as it gets
+1 more recent playoff series win than the Mavs
Sad story. Here’s hoping the criminal’s motivation is just
“It goes against nearly all of my instincts as a sports fan and writer to buy into narrative concepts such as heroes and villains”