
I’m pretty sure pre-nups aren’t legally binding on matters of child custody or support. As for money, as a former first lady she has a thousand ways to become independently wealthy if she isn’t already.

The only time I met Poe was in the X-wing board game, where I shot him down with a Z-95. So he’s dead now, as far as I’m concerned.

Why are there still people who nitpick things like this in Star Wars? The same movie featured the most ridiculously badly designed space bombers you could possibly imagine. Almost none of the military technology or tactics in Star Wars movies make any kind of sense.

I try to look after myself.

Fuck mutliplayer-only games. Fuck EA. Fuck Bioware.

Is Civ VI less boring than Civ V? I used to like Civ games back in the day, but V really put me to sleep.

Is Civ VI less boring than Civ V? I used to like Civ games back in the day, but V really put me to sleep.

I’m having trouble dealing with this casting, not because she’s a woman, but because she’s younger than me. The Doctor is now younger than me. Time, what have you done!?

What are you talking about? There wasn’t a shred of realism in the first one.

I think this teacher needs to learn proper capitalization rules.

Goblin Fights In D&D Are The Worst

Scots isn’t a language, it’s just a scottish accent spelled out.

It seems to me that if your government will shut down unless the opposition party votes for a bill proposed by a shitty governing party, then you just have a badly designed government.

Oversized armour is a visual trope that really needs to die.

Honestly, Harry Potter’s worldbuilding gets analysed far too much for something that started out as a whimsical story for 10-year-olds.

No sympathy. Collecting shit is one of the dumbest pastimes there is.

I’m pretty sure I read about this months ago. There’s a New Scientist article about the same dolphin from May 2017:

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Melania doesn’t know what a dinosaur is. She’s like a doll, an empty shell, devoid of all wit.

Is this tedious mirror universe crap going to carry on for the whole rest of the season? Ugh. It’s one of the few alternate universes even more retarded than the one in Fringe.

I don’t normally like American documentaries (too much bombastic trailer voice), but Cosmos is an exception.