
Y'all, HOME RUN INN PIZZA. My boyfriend and I have eaten far too many of these to admit in a non-internet setting.

Agreed. I like Clerks. I think he did something interesting there. The rest is kinda garbage, even though I like Chasing Amy more than most.

I thought it was badass for not being filled with white people, but I agree, I didn't think it was super-ambitious.

I feel like I'm in the minority here, where I generally like Maron's podcast/comedy, but I can't stand the show. He's not a good actor, and the show is really lazy.

Yeah, I keep going to see movies with Hader and/or Wiig because they're so likable, but the movies are pretty bad. When will I learn my lesson/when will they get some decent material?

I wouldn't. I'm 5'7", and I'm find dating someone my own height or taller. (My partner is 5'7" too.)

But neither one seemed to think they were fineā€¦

Just Southern.

Her accent is TERRIBLE. It's so distracting.

He and Judd Apatow have a lot in common. I agree.

I agree. I LOVE that it stars women, and I love the women that were in it, but it is a mess of a movie with a bad script and poor direction. I blame that on Paul Feig (and his co-writer, Katie Dippold).

And it's honestly a much better movie than TFA or this Ghostbusters reboot. (I thought both of the latter were total messes, although I do indeed appreciate that young women will have more chances to see female heroes.)

Pretty much exactly. Lots of fan service, very little cohesion, likable actors, etc.

Great call on the Paul Feig-y-ness of it all. I definitely am not a huge fan of anything he's done, aside from "Freaks and Geeks," and I loved Hemsworth and McKinnon and Jones here, but feel like Wiig and McCarthy have done the exact same roles so many times now.

I love McKinnon, and some of the schtick was funny, but I do agree that it felt like all of the characters here were pretty one-note.

I really like her on TV better. She can actually be a really good, subtle actress with the right material (i.e. "Gilmore Girls"). I feel like the broad tone of these modern comedies she's been in just aren't for me.

I'd call it a C. Some entertaining stuff, a lot of nonsense, and pretty broad humor. Very likable, capable cast, but feels pretty scattered and fan service-y. It's a retread trend you see in movies like Jurassic World and Star Wars.

How is an all-black cast going to be different than an all-female cast, in terms of geek outrage? Are you saying geeks are misogynists but not racists?

I totally have a family friend who is a TOTAL Linda. Someone who has a dumb low-level corporate managerial job that gives them "power" over others, and she LOVES telling us about all the people she fires, or how stupid her employees are. (She doesn't realize no one gives a shit, or that it makes her sound dumb/petty.)

Man, I loved The Like. Two really, really good albums.