
The last bastion of an undergraduate’s exegesis: it’s shit, but it’s meant to be shit!

Tim you said Final Fantasy XI’s license board in the video and correctly note it is a feature of FFXII in the article—did you do this because you secretly believe FFXII is the true FFXI and all Final Fantasies following FFXI are false numbers, including XV which is really XIII?

But what if the library says you owe a fine on a book you never checked out and you have evidence to show that said library is incorrect in charging you a fine, wouldn’t they, the library, then be the ones on the wrong side of history?

Don’t take the bait

No, it’s run by famed comedian Jon Lovitz and libertarian director Jon Favreau

Better Call Saison* (coming soon)

Looks terrible. Hopefully this crashes and burns just like Lawbreakers.

Quiet you, with your reasonable expectations about a movie not wasting your time and disliking being told that nothing in the first film matters, something something about subversion, something something about this interpretation of the Force being JUST what we need right now.
Who cares if The Last Jedi is like a film

Looks like it is time for a second and third special counsel to investigate the British and Canadian meddling in the U.S. election, respectively.

Awesome now I can have my coco-almond soymilk frappemochalattepeppermintchaichinocana while exploring nature from the passenger seat of my Thor RV.

Something is going on with Kinja and I can’t respond to your reply, but, snark aside, do you also have trouble understanding why readers might relate to Holden Caulfield despite not being anywhere in proximity to his age rage? Maybe you just don’t like it and you’re the weird one for not being able to relate to basic

Baka gaijin, indeed.

At this point I think Martin is just waiting for the show to end to modify the conclusion to the books’ ending after the brutal criticism that ultimately comes following the TV finale.

Which is why many plebs have taken to watching in Trihex’s chat.

“Also, thanks to the handy @TrumpsAlert bot, which reports on the social media maneuverings of the Trump family, we know that, soon after watching Oprah’s speech, Ivanka starting following Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on Twitter. The Great Moderator Ivanka Trump is getting 2018 off to a great

Joe Biden will never win the Democratic nomination, so it seems pointless for anyone to give a damn about him running in 2020 or not. Oprah, if she decided to give it the old college try, would easily win the heavily front loaded Southern states.

Not sure why but it reminds me of Polaris’s “Hey Sandy”

I’m about to start the game tonight in hopes of getting all the collectibles before the servers go bye-bye. I think there is a pretty reliable farming community on the PSN, but sending friend requests is obviously the tedious part.

Keep up the good work, Tim. Any chance you will dedicate a portion of an episode the all of the dating scenes?

You’re the one that drew the parental analogy, not me, and regardless, no one is complaining about women telling Poe what to do or dressing him down, e.g. Leia doing this a few scenes before, what people are complaining about is that Holdo did something that could’ve easily been avoided, sparked a mutiny (along with