
These are the people who believe in miracles over science. If your baby has a chromosomal abnormality, pray harder! They look at one incident on the internet of a baby (who was more likely misdiagnosed than cured) surviving some unsurvivable abnormally and assume that if you try hard enough, your baby will be

This thing where universities and colleges “handle” rapes internally needs to stop. This shit is serious and needs a two-pronged approach, notifying the college being one part, and filing charges being the other. Just getting some asshole (maybe) kicked out of school is not enough.

OK, maybe because I’m a middle aged dude, but I cannot believe that my gender is this fucked up. Oh, I mean, I totally can believe that we men can be this shitty, but I just cannot..........

You know what gets me about the 20 week ban? Thats when you find the serious shit with the baby. At 20 weeks is when we found out that our baby has a whole right smack in the center of its heart. At 21 to 22 weeks you can find out if its genetic. Some of the conditions that cause those kind of heart abnormalities kill

I’m 13 weeks pregnant with a baby I desperately wanted and just discovered the poor little thing has an abnormality which, if I try to carry to term, will likely result in stillbirth or a short and agonizing life for it, and possible death for me. My state barely allows abortion so I have to drive my pregnant, still

Ha! I loved it because it really felt like they just went “fuck it, let’s do a Bowie-esque nonsense song.”

Grandma was the best character. “I’m the village crazy lady! It’s what I do!”

Brb still crying about the stingray.

Now playing

Definitely. You’re Welcome deserves just as many props, if only for the raps and the animation:

Thank you. Those names are ridiculous.

Still better than the billion names that rhyme with Aiden we’ve been getting for the past 20 years.

And this is the worse gaslighting I’ve seen. Using a question about sexual assault to “make news” ... at a NEWS conference. Did she think the girl didn’t really want an answer to that very pertinent question?

That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.

Yeah, there’s no way Logan makes it out of that park alive.

No we can’t. That’s the problem. Pro Choice people see a troubled young girl, desperately in need of help, failed by draconian cuts of vital social services.

So often pro-lifers present the issue as a choice between abortions and no abortions. It is not. It is a choice between safe, legal procedures and a fucking horrorshow of misery and desperation.