This is going to get major play on Radio Disney!
This is going to get major play on Radio Disney!
Help. Years ago, someone on Jezebel posted this really great PSA/commercial about helping someone with depression/mental illness. All I can remember is that it was about knocking on the door even when the person didn't answer.
Damn you, Pringles ad. Fooled again.
I just posted this, too. Marketing to make women catch up to male alcohol consumption worked so well!
I ordered a CD from Polyvinyl Records (don't judge me), and they sent me an Airhead in the package.
Hard to believe anyone would snort Tang. Strange fact: adderall tastes like TANG.
Also good as a head lice preventative along with tea tree oil. When my daughter was younger, every year there was an outbreak in her classroom at some point. After going crazy with it twice, I learned to put a mixture of the tea tree and eucalyptus oil in my hands, rub it in to warm it, and run it on her hair, shirt,…
Aside from the waste mentioned above, I am reminded of how now I deal with produce because I am not one to stick to meal planning.
As long as they're not the more expensive organic strawberries, because, you know, they are on the list of Bad Foods That Have More Pesticides that only non-WIC people would understand.
I don't know who you are but admire the attitude.
huh. I should give sewing tips. My mother was an excellent seamstress and taught me.
Damn straight. She should have had to "inconvenience" the public transportation (busy on their iphones) riders by having to drag all her grocery bags and child in the crowd while holding on to the pole. God forbid she had the stroller, too. Oh, and her child(ren) went into meltdown mode.
Someone mentioned putting it in the fabric softener dispenser. I don't use FS because I have a top loader, but that is a really good idea.
Add listening to David Bowie telling me that there would be ch-ch-ch-changes, New York Dolls and Pink Floyd on the RECORD Player along with home-made posters made from pictures cut from RS, Creem, etc.
Absolutely—you won't destroy anything...unless you add a ton of baking soda along with it, which would not be good. Trust me on that one.