
The only douche here is you. Patchouli is smells worse than cigarettes, and assholes who wear it should be hosed down and exiled. If the scent wasn’t so powerful it would be a different story, but its the equivalent of a guy yelling in library.

It smells like sour b.o. that is also rotting.

God, I hope memes die one day.

Skyrim for Switch has the same discount.

Skyrim for Switch has the same discount.

Ugh, McG.

Im a big fan of a random number of hundreds of people having had access to our buildings front door key. Im also a fan of the vomit in the halls, and the overall parking issues caused by these people, all for the benefit of one landlord.

Especially since they new about this hack months ago as well.

He thinks small, so when he does things moderately he thinks they are big. We should be doing thousands of airborne supply drops, and helping Tesla with their emergency solar help they are giving to PR.