Don Tranquilo

It was only after watching "Gringo – The Dangerous Life of John McAfee" that I realized, the Joe McMillan character is a hodgepodge amalgam of McAfee/Steve Jobs – the promise of the character in Season One though is coming undone, there is no breakthrough … the character is just whatever type of Asshole the writers

Prestige is good – Interstellar is dogshit … Memento overrated dogshit… Dark Knight Rises is the Worst Batman Movie Ever made (topping the unwatchable Batman and Robin movie with George Clooney)…..

What about the Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space 9, Enterprise… all that stuff appeared on Syndication.

I thought Paramount owned Star Trek….

The Last Emperor was shot on 70mm, Aliens,Top Gun & 1st DieHard were blown up to a 70mm print… Maybe I'm wrong, but you nerds could doublecheck this.

"Alive" is a piece of crap… the Mexican 70's version of the film "Survive" is probably worse… the book remains un-filmable… showing people eating lungs and brains doesn't make for a Spiritual movie maybe a good Zombie movie but not a Spiritual movie.

Tree of Life is dogshit… Master is calcified dogshit…. this list is dogshit!

This storyline is easier to digest than last season's storyline of child molesters on steroids… I agree that at times it is vague, but the framing used last season (disconnected time periods) is missing here. There is no real before and after, just a whole bunch of fucked up detectives trying to solve a disjointed