
If you only bring up male victims to derail conversations about female victims, you don’t give a flying fuck about male victims. You’re just using them.

The article says the victim was a female family member.

Do we get bonus, “And you’re just fucking wrong.” points by mentioning that I’m a physicist and geophysicist, hold a graduate degree in science, and hold a professional certification in science? That I’m a practicing geophysicist working contracts in government, industry, and academia on a yearly basis, while

I know white people named Lee and black people named Verge. But if a character is named Park I’m going to audition Asian actors because that’s how I would interpret the character absent something explicit. The problem is that in America the default interpretation is white so the creator’s intent is irrelevant because

I’m a woman who doesn’t date women, and isn’t looking to date anyone at the moment. And even if I were, I wouldn’t think that other people’s failure to ask me out justified rude behavior on my part, because I’m not an entitled narcissist who feels sorry for myself.

I do go out on dates.

It’s not like all relationships start with a male stranger asking a female stranger out. If they never did it again, we still wouldn’t go extinct as a species.

I’ve asked out every guy I’ve ever dated. We’re out there.

Or maybe to some people the world doesn’t, like, totally revolve around finding people to date, at all times. And maybe those people should be allowed to ride the subway without dealing with the fact that yours does.

I’m sorry for pulling you out of the greys, but what the fuck are you even talking about?

Every time. Every single time that I have been seated in public, alone, reading I have been bothered by a man. Which is probably about once a week when the weather is nice. This is not an exaggeration. Maybe don’t make suggestions to people who have no doubt already tried literally every approach that you could


Note that neither of these refusals involve the word “no.” They are, to most of us, nonetheless clear. They include a number of tactics that many of us recognize: delay; prefaces or hedges (uh, well …); palliatives like appreciation; and explanation. The last is interesting: explanations usually go like this: “I

“but a lot of men aren’t too good on picking up on hints.”

Fwiw, it usually doesn’t “end the convo right there.” Saying “leave me alone,” is usually the beginning of the, “Bitch, you’re ugly anyway,” part of the convo.

A lot of men use the excuse that they can’t pick up on hints. A lot of men think they can get away with ignoring social cues because they’re men, and they don’t have to be polite. A lot of men know exactly what they’re doing but feel they have a right to do it anyway because “free speech” and “you can’t stop me” and

That doesn’t actually work. I use that line all the time but men get very butthurt that I don’t want to enjoy their sparkling wit. I have looked men in the eyes and said “GO AWAY. I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU” and they still stand there talking.

I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

No. The issue here isn’t the “poor judgment” of saying these things on the internet. The issue is they deep-down feel that women - all women, not just the ones they hooked up with - are not fully human. Aren’t as important, as fully formed, as complex, as they are. It came out through the internet, but that’s just a