
Because being a woman or LGBT is something you ARE

Are you trying to imply that men who have enough disposable income to try and pay to cheat on their spouses are “the least of us?” Because like, morally, yes. But demographically/privilege-wise, no.

What, just like “heres a list of women and LGBT people”? What are you talking about dude? People who cheat on spouses: assholes. Women and LGBT people: normal people that did nothing wrong.

Stop trolling people just to troll them. It’s boring.

Eagerly awaiting all the people with poor reading comprehension who will see that Jezebel posted an essay on false allegations and immediately assume we are arguing that they are unimportant/nonexistent (despite this entire essay being written to say the opposite)

Insecure about his appearance? Notice he only laments about no longer being noticed by younger women. Not women in general, younger women. Coddling men in their late 40s who are lamenting no longer being attractive to young co-eds is never a good idea. “Happily married” or not, this sounds like a midlife crisis

Californians can still refuse all they want. They just can’t enroll their kids in public schools. Public health is a perfectly well established reason for regulating participation in public goods. You cannot remotely compare it with your other examples.

I have a feeling both parents are probably nutso. It takes two to tango....but the only real victims are the kids and this judge doesn’t seem to have any sympathy for them. It’s sad.

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

Dafuq? That the “father” is allowing his children to be imprisoned is the only proof I need that he is not worthy of the name. I’ve heard of some really bad decisions being made by some really bad judges but this may be among the absolute worst.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 happened. Since then, it’s been illegal to refuse service based on a customer having a characteristic that is part of a protected class. A few decades later, Oregon made sexual orientation a protected class.

I just thinking about how Obama hasn’t really accomplished anything as president just the other day, as I was walking back from my suddenly affordable doctor’s appointment on my way to my gay friend’s wedding.

“I always thought of myself as a brave lady, but the town - if you can call it that - of Colfax managed to pull out that last little bit of scared little girl out of me, tugging at my otherwise rock-solid composure like idle hands around a loose sweater thread.

In my naiveté, I thought I would stroll around Colfax

Fire’s a troll. They derailed me on a vaccination post a month or so ago.

You really take your time to get to the point. Clickbait tease title, and 8 paragraphs to actually reveal to what the title was alluding to? Seriously? Using “historical context” as fluff to delay the actual the reveal of the actual crime.

Some facts that need to be mentioned every time the case of this nitwit comes up:

It’s very frustrating. Measles laughs at santitation, and polio actually becomes *more* virulent once proper sewer systems and clean drinking water become available. But once you believe you are right about something, you evaluate all information based on that, and this prevents them from realizing that they’re wrong.

In the mornings, I have about half a mile trip along the beachfront. It’s a 2-lane road, not a freeway. I get a few seconds of zen, glancing at the waves as I drive. I was going the speed limit, but this guy zooms up right behind me and starts honking and flashing his lights and flipping me off. He was SO angry that I

man imagine a party full of dudes who are incredibly defensive of Ted 2