
The party of “personal responsibility” strikes again.

The summary of comments based on the last article were “I don’t deny that something did happen to her...but I don’t believe anything she said.” The fact that I’m getting so many angry MRAs to this comment prove my original point. Women can’t even discuss our rapes without being vilified. Even if we don’t go to the

For what it's worth, I've politely and straightforwardly rejected guys before just like you've outlined here. . . and I can think of several instances where that polite, straightforward rejection was met with them calling me a "fat ugly bitch" or a "bitch" or other fun threats.

I should also take this opportunity to say, to the assholes who are so fond of telling women, "We're not mind-readers! If you don't like something a guy is doing, it's up to you to tell him!": Dudes, if it's obvious to an entire group of blind-drunk women that a stranger is uncomfortable, then it should be obvious

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

This is an entirely true story.

So one time, my dad was in a dog park in DC, and his dog Pete starts humping another dog. The owner of the other dog came over and kicked Pete to get him off of the other dog. My dad, understandably, was like, “WTF dickhead, don’t kick my dog,” and the owner of the other dog responded

The other thing is that she put herself out there to sing, which she is still doing extremely well, not to be a sex object. So like even if that argument is valid at all (it’s not) it still makes no sense here.

Just more evidence that women don't have to fear retaliation for rejecting a man. OH WAIT?!?! Is this the kind of reaction women are afraid of? Still won't shut down the MRA's

“A Single guy, drunk, we can possibly overlook”

Until we get some actual details on the “violent” threats, I’d take that with a grain of salt. I’ve seen other Christian conservatives complaining about getting “violent threats” as part of some backlash when they did something bigoted, and it turned out it was just people telling them they were being assholes.

“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.

"Man guys, being objectified is the worst. I totally identify and agree with women on that one. ... Redheads, though - amirite?"

I'm usually fond of this writer, but I'm going through an array of emotions right now upon reading this.

That's nonsense. If my GROWN ASS FRIEND throws themselves a birthday party, I do not necessarily bring a gift. I am going to the party to celebrate their birthday and spend time with them, not to shower them with gifts. If my NOT-A-PRESCHOOLER friend has a dinner party at their house, I do not necessarily bring a

Whoa there partner. The wedding is not a party the guests pay to go to by way of gifts or cash.

"specific economics aside, no matter what a couple asks for as a wedding gift, you should shut right the hell up and give it to them."

This is a bit dramatic (I assume intentionally so...).

because she had the audacity to declare to all the men of the world they would never be able to put their dicks in her mouth and that is an affront to the very essence of modern maleness - all mouths everywhere should someday aspire to hold their cocks.

So because she won't blow you she's a terrible lay? You say this after commenting that 'going down is ok but does nothing for me'?

I know women who don't especially enjoy being eaten out, and I know men who don't especially enjoy blowjobs.