Not a problem. In my citystate (not a typo) accreditation is required.
Not a problem. In my citystate (not a typo) accreditation is required.
The amazing dreams are like the drugs everyone else seems to enjoy. Vast, lucid dreams I could hop scotch through and when they went wrong I could rewind and overwrite the stuff I didn’t like.
Indeed. I like the unisex nature of all bathrooms in gay establishments as it cuts down on my urination time.
He’s afraid of scaring them when he unrolls his 18”.
Dear straight lady: most people don’t want to fuck you.
No, some people seem to love that bullshit. I want paper or nothing.
The line is usually a pain.
Alas that’s not how it works out. I’ve been to some places that thin they’re mega classy with the bathroom attendant and shit and me I just want to pee in solitude thankyouverymuch.
Most gay bars and their lesbian equivalents have two bathrooms. They are unisex. This is VERY upsetting to many, many heterosexual women, especially if an ostensibly straight establishment hosts a gay event.
You’ve never heard of cottaging then?
Actually we have a healthier view of sex than straight Americans. And I’m fine with that.
Well straight men are a a shit show in the bathroom and heterosexuals are always getting roofied *(it’s totally not those 8 long island iced teas you drank) because they don’t take their drinks with them, so sure whatever.
Have you been to the rest of the country? Sun isn’t always in abundance.
People will believe anything. Building solar in northern Europe, a place not known for year round sun, has got to be one of the dumbest things around.
I mean I don’t want her to pass away, I just want her to go away.
No, no we’re cool. I think everyone is dissenting from Julianne. She’s our Breshnev.
I had dry needling for the first time this year, which has some similarities, but definitely no napping.
My BF would agree this is also my superpower. I could sleep for days.