I din’t even get that far.
I din’t even get that far.
It’s all part of “The Big Lie” @Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter. If you say something long enough and loud enough people will begins to believe you regardless of the truth you see right before your eyes.
“The era of bipartianship is over”
Nuclear power plants are the answer! Of course by the time they could build a safe one most of the residents being served will have evacuated or died.
quantumbeepreturnsMarie Solis
We had one of the earliest heatwaves in New England in early June. 5 days of over 90 degrees which hasn’t happened in over a century so of course I ordered an A/C for my bedroom. As soon as the heatwave broke with early Spring temperatures the A/C unit arrived. I think I’ll install it later today. Typical New England…
Way to lockup the Black vote in Wisconson Sen. Ron Johnson. /s You’ll be a shoe-in for 2022.
So his vehicle got hit by a German missle, the vehicle overturned, killing the driver and wounding Fletcher during the Battle of Normandy in June 1944. And this doesn’t/didn’t rate a Purple Heart in 1944? We’ve come a long slow way in dealing with this racism thing.
That’s it. Greed is a hell of a drug. I’ve always been satisfied with my RAVpower products.
The big question: How much? You can get a full sized fridge with a freezer from Home Depot for $259.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now offical. A male Karen is a Chad.
The joke is they’re like “Q” followers although I’m sure that was not at all the intent when this was first in development.
I’m using Version 3.48.2 (7637) and it still lists Routines. Should I look for an update?
Where did Polk County pick her up that she looks like this in her mugshot? Was it one of those early morning raids or something? Greed is not good.
I didn’t even now this event was happening. Did the ex President show up?
A surprisingly spot on impersonation considering what his real voice sounds like. I think this man has invented a whole new genre.
Never let anyone say Jezebel is not a news source. Up until now I had no idea Selective Service was such a sexist institution. I thought we had grown.
The “Right” can call themselves the defenders of democracy and brag about who won the I and II World Wars all they like but an actual Coup at that level of Politics in the US would destroy the entire myth. The US would be ruined as an economic power and these days that’s were power is at. I fully agree with Cyber Mind…
I can only guess DeSantis did not play with girls when he was a boy child. He’s still got his He-Man Woman Haters club card. Girls and Woman routinely kick boys and grown-assed Men asses in sports . I know we’re talking about Transgenders but that stuff works both ways.