Monkey See Monkey Don't

That critique is a very old one and you can find dozens of pieces online written about how the goblins are an anti-Semitic stereotype.

.... that’s an absolutely bog standard element of CRPGs. Like, almost all CRPGs have click to move. 

damn virtue signal harder son

... did you read the article?

good luck

see what

how so


Why would an extremist Christian cult not have women members?? Or Black members?

boy you really are salty aren’t you

I wouldn’t think a remake was necessary regardless of the race of the actors. The original movie is perfect.


It’s bad that Biden supports fracking. The fact that it’s imperative to vote for him does not change the shittiness of some of his opinions, or our obligation to call him out for it.

You didn’t say marriage rates are on the decline. You said marriage is on the decline.

Again, divorce rates have been steadily declining for a decade

Actually  divorce rates have been falling for decades

That would be “so long-uh Bowser!” not “so long-ay Bowser!”

Withholding 12 cents from a multi-mult-billionaire does not make you some sort of freedom fighter, friend. But thank you for your incredible sacrifice.

You get that she’ll be a billionaire and never need more money for the rest of her life no matter what, right? You can’t possibly hurt her economically. No one can.

It’s still 100% fair for him to note the hypocrisy.