And not doing “being compliant” to the company would do - what, exactly? How do you think you can hurt this multi-billionaire?
And not doing “being compliant” to the company would do - what, exactly? How do you think you can hurt this multi-billionaire?
Yeah a billionaire is really going to be affected by the $1/copy she’s going to get from this game. Nothing you can do can hurt her - not at all- so you might as well enjoy the art, which is separate from the artist.
If you like physical media movies (which are better quality than streaming no matter how fast your internet is) then it’s a pretty good deal.
“the riots”
I think the fact that the police said she forged the will is, uh, a relevant piece of information that it’s perfectly fair for people to ask questions in light of that piece of information.
uh how about that 20 year age difference tho
Yes but you couldn’t use a smart device before, which you can now. So the system is dramatically different even if the Metrocards aren’t.
I think you’re just one of those people who made up his mind to hate this game no matter how it turned out.
That’s, like, your opinion, man.
Oh come on, the final reveal is perfect. It’s an indication that Pearce’s character has some human attachments left in him while simultaneously being such a small thing for many people to die over.
sorry you’re too stupid to understand bro
... you’re aware that Christina Aguilera sung the climactic ballad in the animated original, right?
Or, you know, the reviewer just disagrees with you. Maybe that’s also an option.
Goblet of Fire is easily the best of the movies and you have no taste
How on earth do you know that?
why do you want an upcoming game to be bad so badly
It’s not novelty; emulation is inferior to natively playing games, and this natively plays Wii games, it doesn’t emulate them.
But the whole point of this device is that it’s not emulation. It’s an actual Wii running Wii software.
And yet it has the best rewind 10 seconds mechanism of all, better than Hulu, Disney+, and the godawful Netflix
Wait why aren’t all the people who freak out about age differences freaking out about this? Winslet is almost 20 years older than Ronan.