Monkey See Monkey Don't

That ending was a mess, in a variety of ways, including thematic and in terms of message. It’s telling that so many people disagree about its interpretation.

She almost certainly didn’t write the headline to her own post.

In comments sections such as these, everyone is convinced that popular entertainment could make someone racist, but no one believes that they themselves could be made racist by popular entertainment.

I even passed on a date with a woman I was painfully hot for because she wanted to see this at a local revival theater.

This is what worries me the most: the misplaced confidence. If society is going to change, it’s going to taken massive sustained effort. Believing the force of history will save us is suicide.

I would have hoped that Democrats would lay a much more ambitious marker down

But the country is, undoubtedly, in the midst of a seachange with its relationship to the police.

It is really incredible, how much internet-addicted people overestimate the popularity of progressive causes. Twitter has broken your minds and left you thinking that almost everyone believes as you do, but there’s a huge number of people who don’t agree but simply don’t constantly shout their political opinions

Imagine how great it would be if we had video of actual tangible progress that actually benefits real-life black people! Would that go viral???

He is right, in the sense that trans rights are not nearly as popular in the population writ large as they are in the chattering class.

But not you, though. You’re one of the good ones.

Pitchfork is a 100% poptimist enterprise now. All they do is trumpet bubblegum pop.

Are you no bullshit saying “I haven’t seen this movie but I think it’s bad anyway?” Seriously?

The second half of Wall-E does not hold up. It’s not nearly up to the standards of the first half.

It’s not just a blur, it’s bad. It’s a bad movie outside of those five minutes. It’s a Dreamworks talking dog cartoon. But the only thing anyone ever talks about is that first five minutes.

High praise for a movie with exactly 5 good minutes in it.

But what about the rest of the fucking movie? IT’s a sub-Dreamworks level talking dog movie after those first five minutes. Never has a movie dined out more on five good minutes. Take off your blinders and try watching the rest of it with fresh eyes.

One of the boys did self-identify as gay in the film.

You can fairly argue anything, artistically. I adore Fury Road but I don’t think it’s better than Tree of Life or Moonlight. Is that me being unfair?

You realize that the nerds have won, right? You get that? That you are the single most dominant force in popular culture, perhaps ever? That everything that gets made gets made for you? You are aware of this?