Monkey See Monkey Don't

Shakespeare in Love is a vastly better movie than Saving Private Ryan.

The movie is about the rage of the underclass; it’s been called a movie about white male rage by the AV Club because they insist on seeing everything in the most reductive terms and in hitting certain political buzzwords in their titles.

“Alexa, what is a ‘parasocial relationship’?”

lol so it’s a completely symbolic gesture that means nothing and accomplishes nothing

lol this is a stre-e-e-e-tch

The Let the Right One In remake was well-made but also, just, completely pointless given the existence of the original.

I mean, realistically, shutting down underperforming schools and bussing the kids to the better performing schools tends to actually be beneficial to the kids.

But there are plenty of games that remain “Early Access” for years and years after they are available to purchase. At what point do you just have to set the distinction aside, given that people are paying full price?

Isn’t it glaringly obvious that Nancy’s going to turn up not dead in the end and they will solve the mystery together?


Yes, it’s true - in art, all characters should be Good or Bad, and Good characters should always do Good and Bad characters should only do Bad, and there should be no nuance, character development, or hard questions in art at all. That’d be great.

Always good to be reminded that We Are Good and They Were Bad

‘kind of undercuts the emotional arc of the first season if he’s just back.’

I thought the blackface in Tropic Thunder actually said really incisive things about Hollywood’s faux progressivism and the place of race in the entertainment industry. Had they not taken the chance, those ideas wouldn’t have been examined quite so well. 

“Boys will be boys” sucks when it’s used to defend shitty adult behavior. I’m just saying that 13 year old boys like to look at cleavage and it doesn’t strike me as productive to try to deny that. Which doesn’t mean running this ad was a good or progressive idea.

every “big” game

13 year old boys ogling a woman’s tits is not toxic masculinity. It’s 13 year old boys being 13 year old boys.

Damn yeah who would be so twisted as to think that 13 year old boys are horny, truly this is the fantasy of a mad man

“Easter eggs” are just a vehicle for nerds to brag that they like something deeper and better than other people. Shows and movies are not puzzles to be solved.

Some people like things. Other people don’t like those things. That is the way of it.