If you care about being verified you should genuinely, literally kill yourself.
If you care about being verified you should genuinely, literally kill yourself.
I mean, look - the more that misconduct claims are made, the more incentive bad people will have to abuse them. It’s foolish to pretend otherwise. Is that’s what’s happening here, a false claim made in a power struggle? I have no idea. But I do know that this attitude people have that we have to treat absolutely any…
The coiner of the term MPDG, Nathan Rabin, has asked people to stop using it, as it is so overused and used so vaguely and broadly that it no longer helps anything. It just substitutes a term for insight.
♫ Jigg-ly-puff, jigglyyyy-puff
Jigg-ly-puff, jigglyyyy puuuuuf ♫
I personally prefer more traditional speedruns where there’s more display of skill at playing the game as traditionally understood.
Uh, the Stanley Parable is explicitly discussed. Try ctl-F.
He’s canon, or he is so far as we can trust Palpatine to tell the truth. He tells the story of Plagueis to Anakin as part of his effort to seduce him to the dark side.
Though it must be said: There’s a moment where Matilda mentions a specific attraction to Black men in the face of her crush Luke, which feels like an unnecessary illustration of her lack of a social filter.
But how can you not make the last Skywalker a good guy in the end? If you don’t it means that the 9 movie “Skywalker Saga” was the most depressing movie experience of all time! It’s just hours and hours of a family suffering and dying!
Eh hypothetical movies always sound better than real ones
Luke: “nobody’s ever really gone.”
Who forgave him for it. Look - Star Wars is and always was about the limitless capacity for forgiveness and redemption. If you don’t like it you certainly can’t like the first 6 movies either.
Black Hawk Down was similarly rife with young actors who would go on to be somebodies
Yeah, I get what you mean, I dig that.
Ah, but it’s not Kylo who says Rey’s parents are nobodies. It’s Rey herself who says it.
Uh, it was holding each other in their arms, caressing each other’s faces, then an open-mouthed, lingering, passionate kiss. Would you kiss your sister that way? A platonic friend? Come on. They were setting up romantic tension from the beginning, and people involved like Johnson, Hammill, and Ridley commented on that…
Trying to shoehorn in the entire Two Face saga into a movie about the Joker was just a fundamental, structural flaw.
Hmm, no. He explicitly says he doesn’t want to talk to Rey via Force bond at that time. And it’s been established already that they have no control over it at that point in the series. What you’re saying doesn’t hold up.
You have to move on, in art as in life. You have to change; you have to evolve. Rian Johnson attempted to do that. He didn’t do a perfect job of it, but at least he tried, and the result was the best Star Wars movie.
Yes, but Yoda is the one who (seemingly) destroys the Jedi sacred texts and acts like it’s a good thing....