Monkey See Monkey Don't

“Without his consent” was when I knew you were just another Reddit troll.

If Palpatine controlled Snoke the whole time, and Palpatine knew about Rey and wanted to turn her, why did Snoke order Kylo Ren to kill Rey?*

which coincides perfectly, of course, with the utter de-radicalization of the gay rights movement

In the latter decades of the 20th century people experienced a collapse in meaning; religion lost its luster and traditional social goals (like the marriage, two kids and car in the garage) came to feel hollow and pointless. People looked for meaning where they could find it. Some found it in a series for children.

This is another episode in the series “You don’t actually own the things you like, so deal with it.”

Mooving was sitting right there and you didn’t take it

Can you please explain a little about why you feel she was a bad human being? 

I’m convinced the original becoming the highest-grossing movie of all time was either a) a glitch in the Matrix or b) the result of a deal with the devil struck by Cameron. Everything about this franchise screams “flop” to me. idgi

I’m afraid I still maintain that opinion for the gentleman ahead of me in line who order his with TWENTY SUGARS.

Forced meme, clearly.

TLJ and TROS will both make well over a billion dollars and many billions more on merchandise and ancillaries. They are massively successful films. And Solo made back its budget.

“racial purposes”

Nothing belongs to the fans. Nothing. You are not special or important because of what you like or the media you consume. And the movie would make a billion without any one of you crying neckbeards.

You don’t own Star Wars because you first saw it in the theaters when you were a young lad or whatever the fuck. Your whole rant here is the epitome of toxic fandom: “this thing means so much to me, therefore I own it.” A person who went into Rise of Skywalker never having seen another Star Wars film has as much right

Because it’s a tonal mess, it’s plot holes are so plentiful the movie verges on incoherence, it involves not one not two but THREE space Macguffins to even have a plot, it’s both frenetic and plodding, and gives us two new characters and one old one with nothing to do.

And both Anakin and Luke are defined at first by their desire to get away from Tatooine!

Yeah but they’re linked by the force. Palpatine even says something like “two beings, one soul” or whatever. The Force would, uh, force them back together again.

The problem is that they tried the exact same thing in TLJ and got literally zero help. So what changed? How did they do the same action and get the exact opposite outcome?

Eh it’s supposed to be a virgin birth.

Oh come on. They’re literally fighting back-to-back at points.