
I think William and Catherine have done an excellent job with making the monarchy relevant to modern day society. So has the Queen, actually. Some examples: The Queen changed the Succession to the Crown Act so that a female heir to the throne isn’t bumped down the line in the event of the birth of a male sibling (she

My sister has endo - took almost 10 years to diagnose, and no doctor or specialist will approve surgery to remove reproductive organs because she’s in her 20s. Surgery to remove adhesions was largely unsuccessful, and bad reactions to anethestic make her hesitate to go through it again with such poor results... She’s

Once a man kicked my pit bull puppy and said she needed to to toughen up. I pushed him into traffic then called the police. He was arrested for running a dog fighting ring in the neighborhood over.

Agreed. Basically, his lease is up now, as it were, and he needs to go. Give him a strict deadline and timetable to be gone and stick to it. Gce him notice in writing. If he thinks you’re bluffing and doesn’t move out by the day, then get some friends to help you put all his stuff at the curb and change the locks,

you’re very welcome! and this dude sounds like a keeper and moving to nyc was the best thing i’ve ever done so...maybe it’s sonething to look forward to/work towards... ☺️

Found out that someone I care about has an aggressive form of brain cancer. He has a young family and a happy life and it’s so unfair. I know it’s not over till it’s over, but I am hurting so much for him and his family. Why can’t the evil shitheads of the world get cancer instead?

Once upon a time, Big Foot was a kid with undiagnosed mental health issues, wildly misplaced anger issues and a broken heart over the sudden loss of her father. She was a behavior issue, a safety issue and an emotional time bomb in one seething package.

What a fucking jerk! I’m sorry that happened, and that it still has you feeling down (although I totally get it). For what it’s worth: losing 80 pounds is a huge deal, and so is getting stronger. I bet you looked great! I think that’s some cool shit and you are entirely justified in being proud of yourself. And in

Maybe vertical gardening against a sunny wall might solve dog issues? There are lots of cool pallet/upcycle ideas to go vertical.  When I first started gardening, we did a raised planter on our small deck and a verical herb garden. We moved to 10 acres(heaven) and lost all of our garden to critters which was highly

I have been absolute ball of stress for the last few months between grad school, work, and family. At times, I’ve felt truly depressed and like I would never stop being unhappy. Today I finished what needed to be finished and now I get to just rest. I hope that any of you that are feeling the pressure are doing ok and

When it finally came time to end slavery in the United States, it took the lives of 360,000 well-armed, well-trained American soldiers and the blood, sweat, and sacrifice of countless more. It took warships and cannons and supply lines.

More drastic measures are needed since they have wireless communication and can still send this shit back to us.

The only thing I have to add is, there’s no way this kid is in a school. She’s “homeschooled”.

For reals. It was fun for a minute to look at stupid people and laugh when we had real adults running the country and the world. But now, I’m missing real adults everywhere. I would watch a YouTube channel on people discussing Hamlet or balancing their checkbooks or just behaving like serious adults and decent human

Just don’t fuck around with the thermal baths and not showering

Me watching this video:

Frankly speaking, I dont get todays pop music. Every song sounds like a mixup of at least 4 different songs by at least 4 different people. And still somehow, they all manage to sound the same and boring.

I am a dude, and I generally like beautiful ladies acting in an overtly sexy way.But in this video, the execution is bad. It is boring and repetitive, like the song. Naughtily suggesting someone has cum on their mouth is maybe a little titillating once, but this video beats the living hell out of that horse. The song