
I’m also an Old who has toggled between anxiety and depression all my life. Thank you for putting into words one of the things I’ve sensed as I’ve aged. One of my own blessings, though, and one I wish for anyone in this same boat, is the edges around both have softened. I’m a lot less disabled by these phenomena and

I have the best parties of anyone I know, because I’m the only guest. It’s always a blast.

Mouth open. No sound. That is...omg.

You are making complete sense. Your situation sounds incredibly hard. Here’s sending you strength, hope, and a little old-fashioned good luck.

And to you too.

Those are quite some ears.

Put another way: fuck all you motherfucking shitstains to a fiery hell for all of eternity.

Look up Virginia Woolf.

Maybe you should read up on how drowning works. It seems like you don’t actually know. It’s an unfortunately common cause of death. Ask any lifeguard, first responder, emergency physician, etc. Do a google.

Golden chandelier! With cherubim.



A lot of support and good suggestions on this thread. Want to say, I’ve been there, I really have. So have a lot of other people, so know you’re not alone in this. Pay attention to your sense that if you don’t change something soon, you’re “gonna die.” Try everything. I hope you have a good talk therapist? Or if you

There are many things to love about being an old and indeed this is one of them. I have some three dot tops that I got a bajillion years ago. I wash em cold and air dry, and they’re still going strong. I cannot be bothered with anything that makes me think about it after I put it on and leave the house. Life is too

Pic, please!

Ok so what I love about these is imagining how they were conceived and then accepted for production. Can you imagine? It would be so incredibly fun to be a fly on the wall at thise meetings, wow.

My head has exploded at the idiotic, craven hypocrisy of these people so many times that it’s a wonder I can think at al.

Thank you.


I never thought of this, because GRROSSSSS but what else could explain why she’s still there after being such a dimwitted liability? His “advisor”...riiiight.