Would IH even go to a 50 Shades movie?
Would IH even go to a 50 Shades movie?
“Work done”.
Who needs showers if they have a bidet? Pat some cologne under your pits and you’re good to go. Helps if you have excellent cosmetic surgery too.
Given that she was bullied into office and is planning to bully public schools, I don’t see a big problem here.
Is this related to the now outmoded “harshing my mellow”? Or is it diiferent?
I’m so excited! Will he spontaneously combust?
He did not. Did he? O_0
I know, I’ve been not snarfing but guffawing my ass off at this thread this morning. But my stance is, laughter is healthy and Jezebel comments are the only thing that’ll do it for me now, so doctor’s orders, I’m gonna keep at it.
YESSSS. Do you win over the toothpaste tube too? Right now I’m going after that tiny bit of eye shadow primer they want me to leave in there so I’ll buy a new one before I really need it. It’s one of my joys in life to foil these attempts to part me from my money prematurely. We need all our joys these days.
I know everything is burning like a bag of shit some teenagers set on fire on our doorstep, but a nation sized bag lit on fire by a whole bunch of older psychopaths, but am I bad for laughing at not just this stair phobia story but also many many of the comments herein? And that it feels incredibly good to laugh right…
All of the above thank youverymuch!
Not just Pence. The whole damn lot of ‘em. His Royal Grossness is just a puppet.
Would it be possible to have the gifs shot in better light? The lighting in these are grayish and dark and make me feel a little sad.
I really wanted to love UD Perversion, but over the day it smudged like crazy under my eyes. I have super hooded eyes and smile and squint a lot, so a bit of a mascara challenge. These days I’m just fuck it, use waterproof in all weather. Maybe Perversion comes in waterproof?
Thank you. And I just keep cringing at the realization that as [gag]’s advisor, a certain amount of what he does is due to her “advice.” Letting that sink in a while is enough to make me reach for a valium. What a horrendous person.
A why, might one ask, would they want to frustrate and delude us? Does anyone else here feel like Trump et al are like a carnival freak show put in place specifically to distract us so the real overlords loot pillage and destroy as fast as possible back where the stagelights don’t quite reach? And Conway and Spicer…
Agree. There were lots of men in the San Francisco march, which btw was not limiting itself to women’s rights in its signage and chants. It was very much about human rights.
Then you have not been paying attention. For months.
Oooo you lovable rascals!
Thank you so much!