I was super pottymouth at a young age. Still am now that I’m an old fucking fart, but I have to watch it now at work cuz the people there don’t like f bombs.
I was super pottymouth at a young age. Still am now that I’m an old fucking fart, but I have to watch it now at work cuz the people there don’t like f bombs.
I fucking love your mom.
Oh my eyes! Oh the horror.
Just looking at this cretin’s face makes my womb shrink and my stomach prepare to eject its contents.
The writing itself is weird and unfunny. I’d love to unread it, but too late. I did try tho.
Damn, I just can’t even. This is horrible.
“it’s much easier to challenge society when you already have a desirable figure to begin with”
You’re a pain in the buttkus. Go away, icky stupid troll person.
I love dogs with headlights!
Don’t they all have personality disorders? A whole basket of them!
Yeah, I’d buy the hell out of “Drunk Women” white wine.
Yeah, Bethenny looks exhausted.
I’m glad too that he’ll spend most of his life in prison, unless he gets paroled. But the other part of the story: She i.e., her family, since she’s a minor) are awarded $40,000 some odd. Big fucking deal. This is the family that sold her. I think we can assume she won’t get an iota of help for her trauma.
My whole life I haven’t been able to understand lyrics in about 90% of songs. I finally was diagnosed with mild hearing impairment a few years ago, but my hearing aids don’t even help. I love music anyway and loved Maggie’s beautiful, unusual song. Did anyone catch the lyrics or what the song is about? I’m really…
I’ve never liked Ramona. Gets on my last nerve.
His sentence will literally wipe that smirk off his disgusting face.
Are *we* destroying his life? Wow, now that’s power!
Mine was blue with fine ridging all over it in a swirly pattern. And it smelled a lot like our hot water bottle. And it pulled my hair.