
But they could rule that doing one is protected by them.

Well that is great and all but he has the freedom to really write about whatever the fuck he wants. I wouldn't call this far off the reservation at all. The hoax of the oil rig at a shell party spewing oil over every one is just as non car-related as this story was. It was still funny as shit.

Not to mention one of the writers on this site actually saw it happen and was there.

I actually really like that, especially the rear quarter.

Every last bit of my HHNNNNNNGGGG...

No, I give zero fucks whether or not you value his comment on design and aesthetics. His comment was not baseless or pointless. He described what it looked like to him. Nothing more, nothing less. Go ahead and think it looks nice, that is your right. I think it was wrong however to tell him that he sounded like an

Because he doesn't like the look of the car? How does that make him an idiot? Design is subjective and he doesn't like the look of this one. The rest of the people in this thread are idiots for even bringing up conjecture like Party-vi wants the company to fail or think that he is knocking Musk when all he said was it

He did that on purpose. Read the third paragraph.

Thanks, that's really nice of you.

I can tell, as a party pooper, you like to poop at parties. Mainly in the middle of the living room. All the time.

I don't know why but this made me scare everyone in the office by laughing.

Where are you? It sort of makes a difference when the speed limit is 55 or 60.

Can't remember but go watch the Drive channel on Youtube. The show is called Rideapart and that one was like 2 or 3 days ago so it is pretty high on the list of videos.

I'd like to know how you know that the photographer is obviously lying about this.

Thank you, though not to be ungrateful I was hoping to get the one where he fist pumps like crazy after they go through. This will keep me entertained for a while though. Thanks again, sir/madam.

Anybody have the gif of the high five drifting?

Hearted cause that was awesome.

I truly feel for you man. I lost my 12 year old Beagle this winter and it was rough. When it comes time for my Shepherd I know I will really be a wreck because he is much closer to me that my parents' Beagle was. Sorry that you had to have that asshole speak down to you, there is no reason for it. Just know that

Face-fucking-palm. Pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Please don't try to convince me otherwise because I have never seen an aggressive pit bull that was not bred for fighting.

So instead of being "treed" are we going to change it to being "Merc'd"?