That is exactly the type of research I mean. For someone like you to be in the industry, don't you think that raising efficiency of vehicles a good thing?
All of the cars a company sell have to average out to that, not each car hit it. If they sell a shit ton of 60 mpg cars they can sell a handful of GT500's and it will average out to above the goal mpg figure.
Isn't that why they added the accelerometers?
It is coming soon-ish. I got a friend from high school working on Monster's U right now.
I do agree to a point, however I would much rather have someone in Tennessee put to work assembling iPhones than someone in China. Nothing against them but we need to lower unemployment here as much as anything else.
Absolutely. Not to mention all the other shit find money to spend on every month.
Pretty sure I read a report somewhere that said that the iphone would cost 20% to 25% more if made in America. Well, it is already expensive as all hell but I would rather buy a phone made here than somewhere else, especially when conditions are as bad as they are over there.
It doesn't look half bad, actually. I kinda like it.
I said, GOOD. DAY.
I hope you don't mind but I copied and pasted this response to at least one (maybe more later) person who was misguided. I just couldn't say it any better myself.
Copied and pasted from Kajigger Me Timbers a couple posts up.
You seriously think that he is awful when he actually uses and pushes for new technology whereas the last president could barely use email.
But we can make small cheap changes a few at a time to eventually get there. The cost over the long run shouldn't be the reason we don't do it. We will lose trillions more if we don't redo the education system.
They aren't just testing a new body for the Ford but also the new injection systems as well.
I felt the same way...had my coffee and instantly felt better.
Doesn't sound like him.