Forced Melodrama: The Animation
Forced Melodrama: The Animation
Do you think car lights were the only things this added?
the only explanation i can think of is that they gimped the PC version because the consoles couldn't handle it. Still incredibly stupid.
It was a beta.
It isn't.
The original E3 demo ran on a 680. Nvidia users have reported that it actually increases performance and removes stuttering.
It actually runs BETTER with this patch.
EA looks like a saint compared to Ubisoft.
If your definition of very good is pure shit, then yes, it's very good.
Perfect for closet pedos.
Mobile games don't count.
only if you're a closet pedophile.
Gr4bb2 confirmed to be pleb with no taste.
Booohooo Aaron Paul is in an advertisement for the competition, what a sellout whore!
Did i mention Destiny anywhere in my comment? Sheesh, peasants are so dumb.
play on Pc if you want higher FoV, peasant.
I am seriously considering getting a Wii U. PC and Wii U looks like the way to go this gen.
It's so hilariously pseudo-deep and grimdark. It's also rushed as hell and the amount of asspulls is incredible. My enjoyment is a 10/10 while my objective rating is a 3/10.