I have played This War of Mine and it is a typical 2D survival game with the usual crafting, permadeath, food collecting etc. There’s thousands of novels and movies that deal with this kind of story in a much, much better way, but just because games have a much lower standard it suddenly turns into high art? I have…
You choose a rail shooter, a puzzle game and a typical survival game as your prime examples of gaming as art? Really?
You literally think that escapist genre fiction made strictly for the purpose of entertainment is on the same level as Joyce, Milton and Dante’s writings. That is a ridiculous assertion that nobody with any sense whatsoever will agree with, but you must probably think that they’re too hard to understand or “boring”,…
I did say that gaming is art in the same way that Michael Bay movies are art though, what are you trying to say? It’s cheap escapism.
It costs money sure, but they aren’t made for the express purpose of making money like other kinds of movies and books. No editors or producers can tell the artists that they must change something to make it more appealing to the lowest common denominator.
I said arthouse and literary fiction. They’re different beasts entirely from the cancerous Hollywood system and giant book publishers.
Video Games are not artistic expressions like literary fiction or arthouse cinema. Video Games are products. Video Games are made strictly for commercial purposes.
Maybe 13-year-old girls shouldn’t be looking for role models in psychopathic murderers like Tracer....
Well that’s the most generalising thing I’ve read this year.
The director and writer are both bad.
This is what happens when a Religion of Peace forces itself on Christians.
lmao, changing your tune now.
“a serious, independent film aimed at a niche market rather than a mass marketaudience.[1] An art film is “intended to be a serious artistic work, often experimental and not designed for mass appeal”;[2] they are “made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial profit”,[3] and they contain “unconventional…
Literary fiction and art cinema are art. Shitty genre fiction isn’t.
Gaming is not an art form, it’s merely a conveyor of escapist entertainment.
Why does Kotaku feature misogynistic and disgusting games like these on a reportedly feminist website?
You’re really projecting stuff here. The Japanese are very judgemental, more so than the West.
It’s funny because the Japanese are even more sexually repressed than the Americans. Anyone who plays anime games and watches anything other than Ghibli movies and Sazae-san is considered a deviant.