You absolutely were though. You don’t want to discuss division of labor, you want to make sure other people know that you are one of the special ones.
You absolutely were though. You don’t want to discuss division of labor, you want to make sure other people know that you are one of the special ones.
I love to cook and enjoyed cooking for my then-boyfriend, and after we got married, it was only natural that it be my task because he had regular corporate hours and I’m a freelancer. Where it got weird is that he actually thought he was the better cook, because he had some culinary training- which meant he would get…
This is one of those examples of the patriarchy sucks for men too. I have seen a lot of couples where housework, childcare, scheduling and all have been given up by one partner because the other is too critical. It sucks and you want to give up. There is a lot of overlap with the learned helpless and the this is the…
THIS. The articles literally say men think they do more labour than they actually do, and that they routinely fail to even see/recognise the amount of work their female partners are doing, but the same articles are always full of guys proudly informing everything that their division of labour is absolutely 50/50.
If there’s anything to laugh about in all of this is the genuine ???! you’ll get off of men when you don’t clean up after them or do more than your share. It might take them weeks to notice but when they do they go through all five stages of grief with you until you cave and go back to doing what you “should” be doing.
It’s truly insulting that they don’t even want to think for themselves but think they’re better than women. It hurts that they don’t even stop to think about how they could be helpful or improve and instead want us to make a numbered list of things they need to do but then resent us for treating them like children or…
When my mom had an operation, I came home to care for her. I complained to my brother that he wasn't doing shit. He said, "Make me a list, and I'll do it." I screamed, "Who makes my list?!"
If my husband tried that shit, I’d just order for myself and eat it in front of him.
Everything you’re saying is valid. And i try to stay aware that men are responsible for pretty much everything bad in the world. But it is kinda funny how much of these expectations have been internalized and are now ENFORCED by women when (many? some? At least more than a few...) men just don’t give a shit (ditto for…
God, “the state of the house” was just endless from my grandmother. ENDLESS.
For real tho’, you have to set expectations for children and teach them how to meet them.
OK sure, I understand that not everyone went to church regularly (or ever) and maybe you didn’t go to a lot of “formal events” growing up. In high school we had to wear ties to school on game days, the art kids dressed up when they were doing their annual big exhibit, and the drama kids dressed up the school day…
it just seems like women have WAY more “has to be done”, “should be done”, and “this is HOW it must to be done” than the men i know do.
I think there’s plenty of room for a nuanced discussion on different expectations and the reasons for them.
This absolutely fucking amazes me. How a guy can get to college without knowing how to tie a tie just does not compute. My dad had three girls, but wore a tie to work almost every day of his life. We were curious kids but also definitely a pain in the ass, and so he eventually taught us how to tie a simple tie knot. So…
This is something I used to hear from other moms who were in the ‘traditional’ stay-at-home wife sphere - they preferred their traditional role because, to them, working outside the home just meant you were doing all the household chores and childcare AND holding down a paid job, so since the husband wasn’t going to…
Yet another sound study proving sexuality isn’t a choice. Like any woman would choose to be straight
It starts way before dudes get girlfriends, it starts with your family. I cleaned the kitchen after family dinners (6 out of 7 nights a week) all through high school. My dad also had me cutting the grass, washing the cars, and splitting firewood. I hated that shit when I was a kid and as soon as I went away to college…
Remember there’s only one thing men have to do to reinforce sexist roles: nothing.
Wealth and power are bad for people. There’s about a fuckton of research that says that being wealthy and powerful for a long period of time often effectively causes a kind of brain damage. Being wealthy and powerful from the moment you’re born? Recipe for disaster.