I thought Emerald Fennel played her so well. She’s also great in Call the Midwife, if you’ve ever watched.
I thought Emerald Fennel played her so well. She’s also great in Call the Midwife, if you’ve ever watched.
She was Lady Diana Spencer. So she was 19 and technically a virgin, but her not knowing what she was marrying into? Nah. You’re not born a Spencer in that country and ignore what the Royals are like.
If she was prettier and younger than Diana, I bet the media would have woven a very different narrative about the love triangle.
That was such a good quote is season 2 (Episode 9, “Paterfamilias”)!
You don’t think people would still go to marvel at the decadence of a defunct monarchy? I mean, certainly France makes some coin exploiting the surviving material culture of its own abolished monarchs.
Agree! I feel Charles is a sad, sympathetic character when I think of him from the POV of a parent. The poor kid never had a chance at happiness, so he really never seemed to know what it was. I think the series paints him in both a sympathetic and pathetic light, while I think it also does a good job of showing how…
And I totally empathize. When I was 19, you could have pretty much done anything you wanted to me. I was raised to be a good girl who never complained. If something went wrong, I’d misunderstood things.
“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
I wonder if she would have stayed if he could muster kindness and warmth towards her as well as trotting off to Camilla.
I think Charles just talks a big talk but can’t actually walk the walk. When push comes to shove instead of rising to the occasion he retreats to his corner of “woe is me, nobody’s got such a raw deal as I do.” It’s easier for him to feel sorry for himself and blame his problems on others than to acknowledge he could…
I’m American and under 50. I oddly care, but only because I remember seeing tabloids and stuff as I was growing up. I never really understood what was happening, but the drama of that interview spoke to my young gay heart. Then Diana died my first year of college, again, more drama. Then I stopped paying attention. So…
God knows, I am Team Diana and always have been—but at this point, Charles and Camilla are together, they’re happy, they were clearly meant to be together and most importantly, the boys seem to be fine with it. If they still resented her it would be different but from everything I’ve read, that isn’t the case. (I will …
They did cast him in a good light, but also very carefully built up the base of the ‘it’s all about ME. ME ME ME.’ that this season really drove home.
They’re big business and have been portrayed as a point of national pride in the UK for decades/centuries, so it’s not surprising that there’s not widespread support for getting rid of them.
The show has the benefit of hindsight, now. I remember the wedding, when I was a kid, and it did all seem so romantic and lovely - from America. Pre-internet. News was different then.
Their Charles, so humanized in the last season, comes off as cruel, weak, and emotionally immature.
I’m not going to try to defend any party to this. But I get just wanting to be with the person you love.
Charles, real and fictional, is such a worthless weenie, oh my god.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, since you’re claiming to be older than 14 I can’t believe I’m the first one to do it, but your likes and preferences are not universal and, in fact, you are not center of the universe.
If anyone can make Christmas happen, it’s Mimi.